Formerly Trismegistus of Korgath - We are dedicated Puggers by choice. We've pugged a lot of content over past expansions, even Mythic. Our motto is "We like to get a lot done on a limited schedule" and we do. When we run a pug group for a quick clear, we form the group for success, checking players kills and experience prior to pull.
While it may take time for us to build our ranks since coming to Area-52, we are confident there are other like-minded players out there who understand the basics of successful raiding and are tired of playing with those that do not. **If we do not add more players to the roster, we are totally comfortable being the proverbial " Guns for Hire " or Free Agents. **Feel free to message any of us in game. **We can fill in for your raid members that are no-shows.
We only want friends/members who share the following mindset:
A love for the game but not a slave to it. 2 night raid week, 2.5 - 3 hours a night.
You understand that teamwork and communication is essential for success and for friendship. You have a working mic and enjoy participating as well as starting conversation in discord.
You enjoy improving your Gameplay. You live for it! You analyze logs and you stay up to date with your class/spec.
You don't play 8 alts and ask/ or think you can switch them out on the hardest content, expecting to be carried through it all.
You understand that other peoples time is as valuable as your own. You are respectful and civil to people from all walks of life.
Contact Cinque#1659 for further info.
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