Hello! is a weekday raiding guild that has experience dating back to Vanilla!
Monday: 9:00pm- 10:30pm EST XMOG/ Achievment night
Tuesday: 9:00pm - 11:30pm EST Progression Raid
Thursday: 9:00pm - 11:30pm EST Progression Raid
Wednesday: M+ 6:00pm - TBD EST M+ Community Night
Recruiting: We have a few limited spots for melee and RDPS. :) Please send us a message if you think you are a good fit!
Expectations: •If we decide to trial you, it's because we are confident you will succeed here - not because we're desperate for that particular class or spec; we do not recruit for the bench. •We strive to do the best that we can in the amount of time allotted. You are expected to come prepared to raid every week to make the most out of our limited schedule. •Bringing a positive and modest attitude to raid each week is a must. Our group has very little patience for self-centered players.
Sales: Not available at this time.
Applying: To apply, please read our Welcome channel carefully, and react to the Notepad emoji to begin.
-Make sure you read our requirements carefully and answer each question to the best of your ability; low effort applications are rarely considered.
Please note that if we decide to further your application, we will contact you within a few days. Thank you!
Contact: Btag and Discord: Bradwenk#1698 or "Bullwenkel"
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